Mission Statement & Principles
The production
What does SK Sturm stand for? What role does the club play in the lives of its members and fans? How important are the club colors? With scientific support, more than 1,000 people have developed a mission statement for Graz's largest football club and published it in 2019. The entire club lives the values of the mission statement with full passion and fills the texts with life in its daily work.
„ A self-image characterized by tradition, great passion and the common pursuit of success as well as constant further development.“
from the mission statement

Samma Grazer - our home
SK Sturm draws strength from its tradition and its regional roots. It is a club that sees itself as a football ambassador for Graz, Styria and, in international appearances, for the whole of Austria.
We come from Jakomini
Our birthplace is the Augarten in the Jakomini district of Graz. Here, schoolchildren, students, apprentices, workers, employees and small businessmen met to live out their passion for football. This common enthusiasm for football is the content bracket for the club, which was founded on May 1, 1909.
We love the Gruabn
In 1919, Sturm got a sporting home ground in the form of the Gruabn on Jakominigürtel, which was to become a popular and feared football ground with Austria-wide fame. The Gruabn myth will always remain the emotional heart of Sturm Graz.
We are rooted in Graz
Since the Liebenau stadium has been our new sporting home, we have celebrated our home games there. The basis of our sporting success has been laid at the Messendorf training center since 1990.

Samma Schwoaz, samma Weiß - our DNA
Our club colors are black and white. They are the colors of our coat of arms, the flag and our uniforms. Together with the name Sturm and our home city Graz, they are the foundation of our identity and are irrevocably fixed.
We are an association for all
Down-to-earthness was the hallmark of the first decades. We also want to live down-to-earthness in the present and future in all areas of the club. People of all ages and genders, regardless of skin color, lifestyle or social status are always welcome in the Sturm family - as long as they share our values based on human dignity - and are treated with respect. The diversity of people in and around the club is rooted in our tradition. This diversity is the strength of the so-called Sturm family.
We are and remain free
SK Sturm Graz is an independent members' association. The members' right to have a say is a significant fundamental value and is regulated in the club's statutes. The club has never been exclusively dependent on individuals, institutions or businesses and never on political parties. This independence must also be guaranteed in the future through transparency of the club's activities, sound management and disinterested leadership. Positive and negative experiences of the past will be passed on to future generations.

Samma Sturm - our beliefs
Sturm is a unique club name in German-speaking professional football. The Sturm name stands for a willingness to fight and a passionate commitment. Players of all generations, our teams and the Sturm fans have shown this time and again.
We are passionate
The unconditional will to work hard has become the trademark of the club - the Sturmgeist. Every player, whether on or off the pitch, must be aware that this dedication, enthusiasm and passion are the essence of SK Sturm.
We are always faithful
SK Sturm's fans are extraordinarily loyal. Their membership in the club is a sign of particular loyalty. The club's continued existence is more important than short-term sporting success. Difficult phases in particular do not change our commitment to our club.
We go to the stadium
SK Sturm fans have always been known for supporting their team in the stadium in good times and bad. We are proud of our distinctive fan culture and also want to give strength to our teams on site in the digital age and in times of increased medialization. Regardless of whether this is done through chants, choreographies or purely through our presence.
We are one family
Sportklub Sturm is a polyphonic and, if need be, contentious community. As in any family, discord can arise. Problems are addressed openly and joint solutions are sought. The good of the club always comes first, and we always treat each other honestly and with respect.
We help
Due to its origins and history, Sturm Graz is aware of its position and role model effect within society and supports the needy, the sick and people who find themselves on the fringes of society wherever possible.
Ihr seid die Zukunft und das Herz unsres Vereins
Unsere sportlichen Werte. Der SK Sturm wurde als Fußballklub gegründet und öffnete sich vorübergehend auch anderen Sportarten. Er war ein frühzeitiger Förderer des Frauensports und legte stets großen Wert auf die Ausbildung der Jugend.
Wir betreiben Sport für alle
Als Volksklub mit breiter Basis ist Sturm bestrebt, allen Menschen, die sich mit unseren Werten identifizieren können, den Zugang zum Sport – egal ob aktiv oder passiv – zu ermöglichen.
Wir haben und fordern Respekt
Im Sinne des Fair-Play-Gedankens messen wir uns mit unserem sportlichen Gegner. Wir respektieren aus diesem Sportsgeist heraus unsere Konkurrenz. Diese Haltung fordern wir auch von unseren sportlichen Mitbewerbern ein.
Wir bauen auf unsere Jugend
Im Laufe seiner Geschichte hat der SK Sturm zahlreichen Talenten den Weg nach oben und in die Kampfmannschaft geöffnet. Die bestmögliche Ausbildung und Förderung unseres Nachwuchses und die laufende Suche nach talentierten Jugendlichen werden stets wichtiger Bestandteil unseres Vereines bleiben und sollen zu künftigen Erfolgen beitragen. Die persönlichkeitsbildende Jugend

I'll go with you wherever you want - our mission
Our goal is to achieve the greatest possible sporting success at all levels while maintaining economic health. Great successes of the past should motivate us to new peak performances, but at the same time must not distort our view of the realistic possibilities of the respective time. Nevertheless, first-class performance and striving for improvement are always our aspirations.
We are Graz
We are committed to being open to innovations in sporting, economic, cultural and socio-political areas and to making a contribution to the city and the country. Therefore, we strive for the continuous expansion of a network that encompasses all parts of society in the city and the province. Sturm Graz is and will remain the firmly anchored Styrian leading and showcase club with international relevance.

Even to the end of this world - our dream
Sturm Graz becomes a lifelong companion that makes an emotional contribution to better understanding life in all its facets. A sports club that gives you security, a grounded existence, in short: home, and which increases your social competence by sharing victories and defeats.
09 Principles
01 - We were founded in Graz on 1 May 1909 by people from a wide range of backgrounds.
02 - Sturm is a down-to-earth Styrian sports club with a family character.
03 - Our colours black and white and the name "Sturm" are the foundation of our identity.
04 - Sturm is independent and governed by its members.
05 - Promoting youth and an active club life are special concerns of ours.
06 - We bear our social responsibility with respect.
07 - We are inspired by the Sturm spirit, fight with passion and never give up.
08 - In good times and bad, attendance at matches is a sign of our loyalty.
09 - The continued existence of our club is more important to us than short-term success.