SturmEcho: Ein „Name wie eine Volksmusikkombo“ (ballesterer). Und das seit 1968. Wobei die Historie des ältesten Fußballklubmagazins Österreichs sogar bis in das Jahr 1956 zurückreicht.
SturmEcho: A "name like a folk music combo" (ballesterer). The history of Austria's oldest football club magazine even goes back to 1956. At that time, the first forerunner of the magazine, the Sport Telegraf, saw the light of day in the media world. The passionately written SturmEcho - "Burschen, das war großartig!" ("Boys, that was great!") was the title in May 1988, for example, after Sturm became the "secret spring king" - has developed into a high-quality magazine that is now published four times a year with a circulation of almost 10,000. The list of prominent personalities who have already been won over as guest authors is long, including for example Gerhard Roth, Paul Pizzera, Günter Brus or Dirk Stermann. So far, well over 12,000 Echo pages have appeared in 368 regular issues and eight special issues. The magazine informs, comments, criticises, wants to inspire, thrill, broaden horizons, make you smile and make you think, and proves that high standards and mass appeal do not have to be contradictory. Positive mentions in the trade media prove that the publication is also highly regarded outside the club. For the editors, freedom of topic is a prerequisite for serious journalistic work, in which large sections of the fan scene are involved. Not a central organ for self-praise, but rather a medium that tries to swim "against the current" (SturmNetz) in the age of the mainstream. From the president to the protagonists of the Nordkurve: they all accompany their club journalistically with passion and meticulousness.
SturmEcho LIVE
Seit der Saison 2017/18 erscheint neben dem Vereinsmagazin SturmEcho das SturmEcho LIVE als Stadionprogrammheft. Bei jedem Bundesliga-Heimspiel bereichert das LIVE mit interessanten Reportagen, Interviews und Hintergrundgeschichten zum SK Puntigamer Sturm Graz, dem Gegner und dem Match den Spieltag. Die Auflage ist zuschauerabhängig. Erhältlich ist das Stadionmagazin kostenlos bei den Sektoreneingängen der Merkur Arena.